Oral Health & Cancer Screening
Oral cancer screening in Toronto, specifically at Kingsview Dental Clinic, involves a thorough examination of the mouth and neck to detect oral cancer at an early, treatable stage. This screening is crucial, especially if you're experiencing symptoms like pain, numbness, difficulty swallowing, changes in taste, or altered tongue sensation. It's important to get checked if you are concerned about these symptoms, as early detection can be pivotal in treatment outcomes.
Symptoms of mouth cancer include:
A lip or mouth sore that doesn't heal.
A white or reddish patch inside the mouth.
Loose teeth.
A growth or lump inside the mouth.
Mouth pain.
Ear pain.
Difficult or painful swallowing.
An oral cancer examination consists of several components:
Visual Exam: The healthcare provider checks for lesions or abnormal tissue areas in the mouth and throat, including leukoplakia (white patches) and erythroplakia (red areas).
Palpation: Using fingers to feel for lumps or bumps around the face, neck, and jaw.
The areas examined during an oral cancer screening include the cheek lining, the floor and roof of the mouth, gums, lips, tongue, and tonsils.
If the screening indicates potential cancer, further assessment is done.
The importance of these screenings can't be overstated, especially given the fact that early detection of oral cancer significantly improves treatment outcomes. If you are experiencing any symptoms or have concerns, it is highly recommended to undergo an oral cancer screening.