Emergency Dental Care in Toronto
When faced with a dental emergency in Toronto, prompt action and immediate care are crucial. Kingsview Dental stands ready to assist with rapid and reliable emergency dental services. Their commitment ensures that, typically within an hour of contacting them during extended evening or Saturday hours, you will receive attention for urgent dental needs.
If you're experiencing a dental emergency, reach out to Kingsview Dental. For patients on record, there's an emergency hotline available after office hours, with the on-call dentist returning calls usually within 30 minutes. Our coordinated approach across multiple locations ensures you receive the care you need swiftly. For those wondering what to do in a dental emergency in Toronto, Kingsview Dental's emergency services offer a dependable solution for both residents and visitors alike (only during business hours for visitors) .
For additional information and guidance on handling dental emergencies, including steps to take immediately following a dental injury or onset of severe pain, click here.