Simply: Root Canals
A dentist checks if a patient needs a root canal
YOU MAY HAVE just been to see your dentist who has told you that you require a root canal. Unfortunately, you have drifted off thinking about it while your dentist explained why. But there’s no need to panic! We're here to help explain what a root canal is and why you might need one.
What Is A Root Canal And Why Would I Need One?
Each tooth will have a number of roots, and the canals in each root contain nerves. The procedure of a root canal is where the inside of the tooth – the pulp and nerves – are removed.A root canal is often used to treat or save teeth that are damaged, infected, or necrotic (dead). Most importantly, they can be used to save a tooth rather than extract it – preventing other teeth from drifting out of place and forgoing the need for replacement. In other words, there's no need for an artificial tooth such as an implant, partial bridge, or denture.For example, a cavity might get so deep that it reaches the nerve of the tooth. This is when people start to experience aches and sharp pains.
How Is A Root Canal Performed?
First, your dentist numbs the area around the tooth
A dental instrument is used to create a hole on top of the tooth
Tools are used to remove the pulp, before using small instruments to clean out the inside of the canals and remove the nerves
The inside of the tooth is then coated in a layer of antibacterial solution
The canals are filled with a natural rubber-like material that mimics the original tissue of the tooth – this helps keep the tooth strong
Finally, the crown of the tooth is restored with a filling and shaped, or a crown/cap is placed on the tooth
A display tooth shows an example of a nerve inside the tooth
How Does This Work With My Dental Insurance?
A root canal is an endodontic procedure and often falls under endodontic or basic restorative services. (Some plans may have it listed as a “Major” dental procedure.)They can be performed by a general dentist. If your case is complex, the dentist may refer you to an endodontic specialist who will perform the root canal. After that, you would return to your general dentist to have the filling completed on top of the tooth.
If you are referred to a specialist, you will need to find out if your plan covers specialist fees or not.
Coverage of specialist fees indicates if your insurance would cover the root canal at the specialist fee guide (what the specialist charges), or the general practitioner fee guide (what a general dentist typically charges).
What About Pricing?
Root canals can be expensive depending on their complexity. The price of a root canal is often based on the number of tooth canals and if the procedure is done by a general dentist or a specialist. Therefore it is highly recommended that you compare the price of your treatment with your remaining annual insurance maximum. It will help you estimate how much you will need to pay out of pocket.
However, it is important to note that it is best not to delay if you require treatment like a root canal. Because the longer you wait, the worse your tooth might become. As a result, it could cost you more in remedial treatment. If you are ever unsure about a diagnosis, you always have the option of seeking a second opinion to double-check!
After having an examination with your dentist, you can ask your dental office to submit an estimate directly to your insurance for you or to provide you with an estimate form.
Your insurance will process it and send correspondence to you as the policyholder!
ABOVE ALL, PLEASE REMEMBER: If a root canal was recommended but you are no longer feeling pain, it might not be a good sign. In short, this could mean the nerve in the tooth is dead and an infection may form.
Do you think you need a root canal?
Firstly, book to visit your dentist for an examination to see what your options are. Your dentist will be able to advise you if the root canal can be performed at their office or if you are required to visit a specialist. Use the button below to book an appointment.
Want to read more? Check out this great summary on root canals by the Canadian Dental Association.... Reviewed by our very own Hammad Afif, D.D.S. This blog provides general information and discussion about dental and oral health, and related subjects.
The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice.